Jewel's Pets

You enter the lush garden, full of newly blooming morning glories that reflect the color of the summer sky. Long leafy vines stretch down toward you, as if they intend to tickle you while you're not looking. Everything around you; the tall willows, the swaying grasses and many wild flowers, all seem to be dancing an endless, joyous dance in the gentle rushing breeze that can only be seen in nature. Even the flying and swooping birds above seem to be happy on this warm summers day.

You continue walking in, feeling a new, happy energy sweeping across you. This small garden seems to call you into it, welcoming you and inviting you to sit under one of its many trees, or rest on the beautifully carved stone benches lining the hedge walls that encircle it. You smile softly to yourself, knowing whoever lives here is one lucky creature. Thinking that over in your mind, you look around, trying to find the creature who does live here. You spot a soft looking bed of clovers with dozens of tiny clover flowers peeking out, stretching toward the sun. Inside the circle of soft grasses is a small, cat-like creature stretches out on its back. You creep closer, hoping to get a better look at the brightly colored little fellow, but as you inch toward it, its eyes open and its head turns toward you. "Hello?" it calls out to you.

You smile at the little creature, trying to show it you weren't meaning to harm it. He smiles back, in a feline sort of way, and flops around in the clovers. He rises out of his leafy bed and stretches his sleepy muscles, saying to you, "I wasn't expecting anyone to come by, you see, so I thought I'd take a nice nap. This garden is so lovely, isn't it? It just puts me to sleep if I let it.". You grin knowingly, watching his soft looking fur ruffle in the passing breeze. He looks up at you, noticing you looking at him, and smiles a bit. "I do have nice fur, don't I?" he laughs, struting off toward a large maple tree. He reaches up and stretches out along the tall tree. A loud crashing noise startles both of you, and you hear a whinny laugh echo through the garden. Turning to see what could've snuck on you, you see a beautiful pastel colored, horse-like creature trotting smugly toward you.

The small, bright colored creature half stomps back to where you are, eyeing the horse-creature. "You know I hate it when you do that Ice!" he exclaims, trying to puff his fur up to look larger than he really is. You hold back a smile as he continues, saying, "Why do you have to keep doing that to me! You know, someday you're going to scare me like that, and I'll accidentally set this whole place on fire! Then what will you say?!?".

The horse creature only smiles down at him, saying softly, soothingly, "Then I'll help you put it back out again.". She laughs a high pitched laugh, reminding you of bells. Siddenly, she turns to you and smiles, saying to the little creature, "And who do we have here, Zuto? You bring a new friend in without telling me? I wouldn't know why," she laughs, continuing, "They seem very interesting."

"Well," he says, bringing fire into his voice, "they came on their own, and I just happened to be here to greet them, unlike some creatures!!". He puffs up his chest and walks away, back toward the large tree. You follow him with your eyes, not sure what exactly to do.

"That's Zuto-Aevu," the horse creature says to you softly, "He's a Melcey. A fire melcey, that is. His temper gets loose sometimes and runs amuck, but I've come to live with it. His name means Angry fire, for obvious reasons.". She smiles and sits down on the cobblestone walkway, smelling in the sweet, perfumed breeze. "My name's Rainbow of Ice, but most everyone calls me Ice. I'm sure Zuto would like to call me something else right now," she grins playfully, "But he is a lot of fun to tease. I do have to be careful, though, as he is a fire elemental. He tried to catch my tail on fire once," she continues, laughing. You grin at her, imaging the little creature catching her tail on fire.

"I suppose," he says, interrupting your train of thought, "That I should go over and try to calm him down. Mayhaps you'll come visit again? I'm sure we'd both like that." she smiles and laughs her bell-like laugh, trotting over to the little creature. You watch them argue a while before smiling to yourself and turning back the way you came.

Name: Rainbow of Ice
Species: Wynd of Change
Gender: Female
Dynces: none yet
Parents: wild
Birth place: Everrealm

Name: Zuto-Aevu
Sanori meaning: Angry Fire
Species: Melcey
Gender: Male
ID: p1061m
Birth place: Arborwin

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